Bullshit Vaccination designed to Cull the Population
Ya see Candy..Thats why I do not waste my time going on a UK based platform...They are removing My Comments already...they Can stick that Censoring Platform up the Queens ASS...sideways
You will FIND... "CNN " was born After JFK's Murder...You will find...Like 80% or more Employee's of CNN are EX CIA AND Active CIA...and HOLLYWOOD is THICK With CIA.. https://ugetube.com/watch/the-....cia-039-s-hollywood-
HMM Ya Think??? We need CIA...just to report The Truth..NEWS?? LOL!!! If it waddles like a duck...Quacks like a duck...water rolling off the backs like a duck...FRIENDS...ITS A FUCKING DUCK !!!
FOR Matt..( and you too!) https://www.stoegerindustries.com/shotguns
MY GREAT Doctor test....If your Doctor wants to do more talking than Listening...Dump the MFKR!!
IF Your doctor...Shuts you up..or Dose not Respond to your asking about NUTRICION and would rather give you a prescription...DUMP THE MOTHERFUCKER!!
DO !! > STOP Taking Natures great wonder...(The Human Body) and Neglecting IT! Doesn't your Body deserve SOME Respect? BE VERY CONCISE WHAT you Consume to feed your "Natures Wonder Machine"
DO..> LOOK AT WHAT YOU EAT...is there anything that you eat that doesn't contain a Poison??
Correct ANY abnormality...with just 2 Things...CLEAN FOOD..and GOOD Sleep!!