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Brittany Schlater - 1st Place 693.5kg Total WR - 84+kg Class

JamesRoss - 284 Views
Published on 02 May 2024 / In Sports

Build to move weight.
Her jersey suggest that she CAN!

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Wayne Smith
Wayne Smith 2 months ago

Could use some context.

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JamesRoss 2 months ago

Ha, haa.. Look what I can do...

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Wayne Smith
Wayne Smith 2 months ago

@JamesRoss : Your parents must be so proud.

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JamesRoss 2 months ago

@Wayne Smith: I was good at spoonfeeding. Cut and Past and search is all I had to do. But now, we will be watching the taitors who rule all of Canada, trying to spoonfeed their communism down everyones throats... I am just making a post where Venezuala is a Communist takeover example of spoonfeeding the sheeple what they don't want to eat. I know a gal from there who had the hair burnt off her head because she was caught filming troops harrassing someone else. she lost her camera and her hair. She flew to Florida where the communism seemed distant, but the Freemasons are the secret communist who are spoonfeeding their lies to the local sheeple until the switch is thrown and they become just like Venezuala. My father was very proud of me before he was murdered by his treacherous brotherhood of assassins. Good Luck Wayne, we need vigulent people who can see through the crap.

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