Britney Spears' Conservatorship is the Fate of All Americans Facing the Great Reset
Britney Spears' Conservatorship is the Fate of All Americans Facing the Great Reset

Good Morning my Rag Tag Rebellion of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Stratocracy.......,
I will have to keep my Writ short as my Nerve Damage was overused the other day doing the Radio Show and then all Face Book Post using a Cell Phone being the worst for my Repetitive Movement Chronic Pain disability and handicap....
That Spoken, we are going to look into U.K. this UNITED KINGDOM as what "Kingdoms" in our shared Celestial Sphere actually make up the {British Imperial Empire} of Doppelganger Replacement Populations in the Minds of our People on this side of FLAT EARTH.?.?.?.?
As we know too: the day The Kingdom of Spain, and France plus the MADE IN CHINA and Russians too all (U.N. FLAGS) of the U.S. WAR FLAG World Police of the U.N. Troops have the WEAPONS to decimate all Human Nations on this side of FLAT EARTH no matter how impressive the OUT POST FREE MASON Lodges look in that city, county, province, country.....
just as JON LEVI in Mud Flood shows a MASON TEMPLE Whacked by that NASA Trillion Watt Lazer in an African Continent Country....
Miami was a message to Johnny Exodice to STOP cause THEY LIVE know I was enjoying my Gray Hound Homeless Days in DADE County and how much I have proved that G4S has taken ownership of the FLORIDA STATE FLAG for the Q saying of the Queen of the Hive Minds being them evil SOLID BLACK EYES in their WAR IS MURDER Saying of Where we go one, we go all!!!!!
Nonetheless, Purgatory is showing us what happened in our Real Celestial Sphere, and the Things that possessed our Human Peoples minds from the QUEEN OF ENGLAND to the next person male or female to become the NEW LEADER of the U.K. and since we know Houses in our Celestial Sphere are also Book of Revelation Kingdoms and Nations aka UNITED NATIONS in the Spiritual Reality that our Spirits come from too animate these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones [Body] Qballs~ /_\ TEMPORARY Temple Avatars,
let us see what WE ARE learn about THEY LIVE these FAKE JEWS of Hollywood from the Book of Revelation as the RED DRAGON and the Merchant Ships belong to the Whore of Babylon being Q in that same Book of Revelation!!!!!
FLAT EARTH Magical Academy offline gaming STUDY ROOMS now in session....

brit lances = brit spears
usa under buckingham leadership