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Brazil become a vast ocean! Benedito Novo flooding after heavy rain in Santa Catarina

Nashranashu - 357 Views
Published on 07 Dec 2022 / In Film and Animation

#flooding #brazil #storm

On Monday, December 5, the city of Benedito Novo in the state of Santa Catarina was flooded due to the rains in the region and affected dam. Local authorities said that the dam did not break, but the water is passing over it.

The Centro and Alto Benedito neighborhoods were the most affected. Due to the large amount of rain, the level of the Benedito River rose and caused a flood.

Images and videos released by the city hall show several flooded spots, houses invaded by water and a truck practically covered by the flood.

Highway between Benedito Novo and Doutor Pedrinho, the road broke and vehicle traffic is blocked. The state government advises people to avoid taking the road.

In several streets of the city, the scenario is one of destruction. The large accumulation of mud makes the work of residents difficult. Several streets are impassable, further hampering the work of rescuing the homeless.

The civil defense is monitoring the situation on the Benedito river and assisting the affected family.

The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster,
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.

#weather #SCflood

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