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Faking the Moon Landing - Stanley Kubrick - NASA’s Noble Lie with Bart Sibrel.mp4

Mary Tanasy
Mary Tanasy - 839 Views
Published on 29 Nov 2020 / In Film and Animation

Moon landing faked by NASA and Stanley Kubrick in an effort to cover up the failure to execute John F. Kennedy’s bold desire to have a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s? We discuss the theory with Bart Sibrel, who shares unedited NASA footage of the mission, and explains the reasons why the lunar landing was not possible in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has been producing movies and television programs for thirty years. During this time he has owned five production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks and produced films shown on ABC, NBC, CNN, TLC, USA, BET, as well as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. To discuss his films, he has appeared and been interviewed on The Daily Show, Geraldo, NBC, CNN, FOX, Tech TV, Coast to Coast, and The Abrams Report. Articles featuring Mr. Sibrel's films have been published in Time Magazine, USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times and many others. His top awards from the American Motion Picture Society include "Best Cinematography", "Best Editing" and "Top Ten Director". Mr. Sibrel has also taught about twenty workshops on Acting, Filmmaking, Editing, and Writing; privately and for The Screen Actor's Guild. In his youth he brought to the stage several original theatrical productions, hosted a cable television talk show, and appeared as a seasoned actor on the stage himself over 500 times. "I was making movies when this competition started way back in 1930. I do not ever recall anyone entering three motion pictures and winning a top award on all three. But you have!" Jack Ruddell - American Motion Picture Society, Chairman

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