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Bill Binney highest ranking whistle blower on Election Fraud

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Published on 10 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation

Bill Binney and Dr. Katherine Horton discuss election fraud in the US, Directed Energy Weapons and drone attacks on them, as well as remote-controlled torture with non-consensual implants. You can listen to Dr. Horton at the upcoming conference on 5h December 2020 - get tickets here:


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2 Comments sort Sort by

EScottChannell 4 years ago

Although I find the notion of widespread implants I don't discount the claim..... but I do find it rather incredible that if you have X-Rays showing the devices that you can't manage to get one removed. It should be relatively trivial to remove one [though I don't claim any medical knowledge]. Even if you have to go to an off-the-books medical facility I would imagine that the surgery would be trivial.

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EScottChannell 4 years ago

Thank you for hosting / posting this. I've been quite aware of Bill Binney's history and actions - No better authority IMHO on what goes on behind the curtain.

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