Biblical Reality 2: The Wages of Sin are Death (CONFESSIONS Trading with the devil)
Biblical Reality Part 2
The objective reality, Biblically, is that all is cycled through the spiritual: all is a choice that positions a person’s destiny in the unseen, spiritual realm. We are accountable for every idle word, and for every action taken. “He who denies me on earth, him will I deny before the angels in Heaven.” - Jesus Christ.
If we understand that God is good, just and righteous - and that we are not, we will not fail to understand how deserved we are of God’s wrath for being the sinners descended of the first of our kind (Adam), but for the sake of God’s love for us as His creation unique in that we’re made in His image— “while we were yet sinners, God loved us,” and “for God so loved the world He gave us his son” so that God could take pleasure in crushing Jesus Christ on the cross in our place, dying for our sin instead, so that if we chose to repent and confess that Jesus Christ *is* our Messiah, then we should no longer be destined for eternal death but inherit eternal life being made righteous by God as it is not of ourselves or our sinful flesh.