Best & Taylor Intel (3/19/2021): Wars In The Matrix — "Don't Wait Too Long" — Mark of the Beast
Ukraine, Syria, Israel, Biden, Putin, WW3, 666, Silent Weapons & Not So Silent Wars…
Four more days to the next election for Israel and her lockdown of her people via mandatory vaccines and war on Iran that appears will now become either Daniel 8 or Isaiah 17, both of which will change the WORLD forever. Then we have NATO FORCES moving into the Black Sea to engage Putin’s military machine as the global deep state idiots want their nuclear war and the New World Order. If that is not enough, we find a coded message in the numbers 600, 60 and 6, along with its sum 666 and how it all relates to the RICH MEN and their MARK SYSTEM, the apex of the system of mammon. Silent weapons for wars, brilliant, genius, invisible and dangerous as Donald Trump told us all in code. Wear your mask shut up and do as you are told Biden tells us, and if we do, we MIGHT be able to hug a child come July 4th! And so it goes… —Stewart Best
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It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2)
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"It is the best book I have ever read outside of the word of God itself."

6 = HEX

Thsnk you and God bless you and your channel. I learn so much. Wow!! Eye openers everytime. I thank God He saved both of you for such a time as this!!!!