Best & Taylor Intel (2/10/2021): The Coming Communist Chaos
Biden, Executive Orders, Police State, Signs, Sightings, Earth Changes and More…
Babylon’s fall long stated over 2000 years ago is now at its final stage. The Biden election is the final blow and the demise of the American constitution and Bill of Rights. They are now under severe attack, and it appears that all those who are not communists are now to be singled out for ridicule, mocking, persecution and then death. At this point demonization of anyone on the “right” is going full throttle on MSM. This is just the beginning of the “agenda” of the rich men, and is in lockstep with lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing and getting the jab. Meanwhile, earth changes and volcanic activity are ramping up, along with hints of “disclosure” of “aliens” among us, and on and on it goes… —Stewart Best
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It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2)
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"The Dark/Light Series" (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) — A Guide to Authentic Salvation:
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"It is the best book I have ever read outside of the word of God itself."

So long as people accept the trash as if it applied to them, then the people are ignorant and deserving of what they get. Our creator gave us a mind but most have given up using it.
Telling people to go get a gun if they have never had one is insane. If by defending one's self you mean getting slaughtered by the police mob then you are evil. Self defense is a local issue where the whole community is involved, otherwise it is just suicide.

You guys are totally incorrect. Queen Donald is not a private citizen in regards to impeachment, she is being prosecuted in the office that was held. There were many crimes committed by Queen Donald to which she should convicted but the current charges are not among them. Good news, Odumbo should be next and Bush should be in that queue also.