Beijing China sun in the sky turned blue, just like the sun on Mars.mp4
Blackpanthar - 261 Views
Published on 28 Mar 2021 / In Film and Animation
Published on Mar 28 2021
On March 28, strong wind and dust came to Beijing. Some netizens found that the sun in the sky turned blue, just like the sun on Mars. Hu Xiao, chief meteorological analyst of China Weather Network, said that this is because the particles in the dust scatter and absorb longer wavelengths of red light, causing the red light to decrease, so the sun looks blue
#Beijing #China
#北京又现蓝太阳 3月28日,#大风沙尘进京 有网友发现,天上的太阳变成了蓝色,就好像在火星上看到的太阳一样。中国天气网首席气象分析师胡啸表示,这是由于沙尘里的颗粒物散射和吸收了波长更长的红光导致红光减少,所以太阳看起来是蓝色的
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