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Walking Through The Valley Of Death
Sons Of Liberty Media

BEDTIME BIBLE CHAT: Proverbs 10: 29: Walking with the devil

Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby - 687 Views
Published on 19 Apr 2023 / In Spiritual


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THE BEDTIME BIBLE CHAT Music by Pat Moehring accomplished orchestra pianist, Executive Director for the Charlotte Civic Orchestra.


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2 Comments sort Sort by

Linda Diane
Linda Diane 1 year ago

Rapture before we get out of Proverbs...that sounds great. You are so right about the way adults are letting their children do anything and that includes cutting their bodies to pieces. We will stand before the Lord the way he created us. My Mom is in heaven and this world today would upset her so very much. She loved children.
Glad you are feeling better Linda. Love you!

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Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby 1 year ago

I wouldn't want to be these parents who are doing this to their kids. You know what the Lord said about this. I think a millstone around their neck and thrown into the deepest part of the sea is too good for them. LOL. Thank you Linda. Yes, I've felt great, no asthma since Jan. 15!!!

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Pennysaver 1 year ago

Love you Linda! Nice to see you today! i am grateful for you & Jaime! The rapture will happen one of these days- exciting to know it can happen at any time - when God is ready!

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Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby 1 year ago

God bless you too sweetie! Love you bunches!!

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Walking Through The Valley Of Death
Sons Of Liberty Media