BeachMilk: On top of this, the shooter had no drivers license or photo ID
On top of this, the shooter had no drivers license or photo ID, so how could he possibly get his hands on all this expensive equipment?

From: "King Osirus" ...Bullshit? Thats How?

FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, DEA, IRS, NIH and on and on and on.....none of them can be trusted. Any one person in power too long is dangerous. Multiple that with like minded individuals that have a narcissistic thirst for control and what you have is what we are seeing right now. The current president, a lifetime politician. 'The health czar', in his position 40 years, the speaker of the House, lifetime politician. This is all a recipe for disaster and not acting makes us culpable in all of this. Apathy is as much a crime as the crime itself.

I wish I could afford those kind of firearms and ammo and the ripe old age of 18!

It is crazy, having all that on your body, this would be heavy making it so you can not move quickly....Why did the cops wait so long?

We all want to know. My guess is the CIA, FBI, DHS, etc.