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BBC Chemtrail Conspiracy Theorists - Debunked

Rob_E - 427 Views
Published on 25 Jul 2022 / In Non-profits and Activism

Link to BBC article where they claim the vapour trails left in the sky by aircraft are perfectly normal contrails but avoid any real issues such as sun blocking or weather control. Also they do not address the fact that these trails have exponentially increased in the past 5 - 10 years or the fact that when they are spraying heavily the number of aircraft in the sky is inordinately high, neither do they investigate the 'extra' spray often seen coming from these vehicles which has been proven not to be things like APU exhaust or maybe they are flushing the toilet after a 'pilots' night out on the curry?

SAI, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection part of the SAG or Stratospheric Aerosol GeoEngineering programs continue unabated, unchallenged and unreported by the mainstream news channels, BBC, ITV, Sky etc. etc. ..

Natural weather has been replaced with this synthetic crap sprayed upon us.

Global Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Geoengineering programs are wrecking Earths natural weather cycles and climate, causing extreme weather events, record temperatures and droughts as well as floods .. causing the fastest ever recorded climate change event in Earths history and all the while the powers that should not be continue to blame you for driving your car, heating your home and eating meat, generally going about your daily business, thereby causing climate change ..

Get informed here:
and here: Geo-interfering Patently Patented:


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Ensley Bria
Ensley Bria 2 years ago

You should receive your first check within a week or so. Or you can start to have them wire directly into your bank account. (Your first checks will be about $500 to $1,500 a week. Then it goes up from there. Depends on how much time you spent on it
Go Here.....

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