Battle Belts Mag Pouches Holsters Ronin Blue Alpha HSGI
Choosing a belt for our duty, contracting, training or competition rig is not something you should make a snap judgment on. Two of my favorite options are Blue Alpha Gear and Ronin Tactics. Both of these belts are very high quality and will last years, so you need to factor that into price. These are not the cheapest options out there, even though the Blue Alpha is cheaper than the Ronin it is still over $120. Both of these are molle style belts, double thick and feature ultra strong cobra style buckles. The Ronin is about $40 more and is a bit thicker and stiffer than the Blue alpha but neither is going to fail you. I choose to outfit these with either G Code or HSGI pouches as they have been the most durable for me. I know many like Wilder Tactical and I like them as well and being a former Ranger myself I can definitely get down with the designer/owner being former SOF. All of this gear is quality and will last. I now we have all heard by once cry once, well in these cases its true.
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