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Ballistic Helmet Performance Testing (Warrior Helmet by SDS)

Buffman RANGE
Buffman RANGE - 1,051 Views
Published on 24 Jul 2014 / In Firearms

About a year ago The Firearm Blog posted a FSN vs ballistic helmet/vest test. They used "SS190" from the pistol and it failed to penetrate the Kevlar helmet. Pictures of the before and after rounds called into question if they really had SS190:

So, here's my test. I'm used a standard Warrior Helmet by SDS, which is very similar to the German surplus helmet from their test. These type of helmets are rated around IIIA.

We took the test from 10 feet, and used a water jug to hold the helmet.


9mm, 124gr - Failed
SS197SR 40gr V-max - Failed
American Eagle 40gr TMJ - Failed
SS195LF 28gr HP - Failed
SS198LF 28gr HP - Failed
SB193 55gr FMJ - Failed
SS190 - Penetrated both times
Elite Ammunition 28gr Moly Coated HP - Failed
Elite Ammunition T6 Copper - Penetrated

Ballistic Bob is dead. SS190 is no joke, and neither is EA's T6 round.

If you'd like to see other rounds put up against this helmet (other 5.7 rounds or maybe 50AE) leave them in the comments below :)

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Camera(s): Canon HF R500
Edited with: Adobe Premiere Elements 12

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