Babylon is fallen: antichrist pope Francis is a man of his word, not God’s word
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
Credits to pastor Craig. His channel is SSR Media. His website is
This video is for education purposes only and all sources used are free to use under federal law. Taking this video down will be breaking federal law and discrimination against peoples freedom to promote education with the provided resources that are made to the public. Everything belongs to God and no individual can claim rights to anything. Thank you.
"Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute, or exhibit portions of copyrighted motion pictures, videotaped, or video discs, without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called, “Fair Use,” and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news, reporting, teaching, and parody. This article is written, and any image and video (includes music used in the video) in this article are used, in compliance with this law: Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C 107."
All music, images, videos, sound effects and Audio Bible (which I paid for) is free to use under the copyright act law as mentioned in the above. If youtube removes any videos for what they claim is a violation of copyright law, it is a false claim. All videos are for educational purposes only and not for profit on our part. We profit from none of the videos, but to simply share as it is allowed to do so in the laws of the land. MUSIC CO.AG - 01 Background Music - This Digital World we live in
Antichrist info:
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