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Asymptomatic Transmission

ajrider - 415 Views
Published on 10 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation

Covid 19 Asymptomatic Transmission

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ajrider 4 years ago

The comment below is what happens when they comment without watching the video . . .

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pvanb 4 years ago

you are peddling bullshit....covid is a cold virus with a 99.9% survival rate, and cold viruses ALWAYS spread person to person, and can do so before symptons show up.....just like EVERY cold season for decades if not forever. And surgical masks do NOTHING to prevent that.

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ajrider 4 years ago

Your absolutely correct and the point of the video is that most asymptomatic people never show symptoms. If you understand what asymptomatic is, . . . if yoiu get tested and they find that you have the antibodies known to fight covid, you are asymptomatic when in reality your immune system has come in contact with the virus and developed defenses against it. and you may never actually get sick. The video says that these people are not the problem, but the symptomatic people, the ones that are showing symptoms are the ones that need to be quarantined, not the healthy people. I believe we are on the same page. Look at the rest of my videos and I think you'll see that.

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