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Assassination Attempt on a Dominion Election Fraud Witness Caught on Camera

Callise Allysea Angelique Artemis
Published on 01 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

A failed attempt To assassinate Kill murder a Dominion election fraud Witness. Unnamed Witness Was filmed by home security cameras walking out of her friends home and into her car when an unidentified assassin waited In his car Then Drove behind her Preventing her from Backing up got out of his car and fired Several shots . Please do the video . Follow me also on bitchute

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Puppykisser 3 years ago

That happened awhile back.... have you learned anything about this woman? Is she now protected?

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smooth Move
smooth Move 3 years ago

Another failed Arkancide. You can bet the Cabal is behind this.

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smooth Move
smooth Move 3 years ago

Damn, better arm yourself girl.

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