Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence (Cortical Labs)
Cortical Labs has demonstrated that just a few Human Neurons connected inside of a dish manage to learn how to play the game Pong much more efficiently than an traditional Artificial Intelligence. This new research is going to help scientists and AI researchers model future AI models more closely to the way our brain works and clearly shows the advantages humans vs artificial intelligences have.
Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.
00:00 "Artificial" Intelligence
01:57 Artificial vs. Biological Neurons
04:31 Building robots with Biological Neurons
06:32 How Biological Neurons learn
09:40 Last Words
#ai #biology #neuroscience

Pockets of Isolation…
Had the TIME Androids been Real Gods and Goddesses, thence, THEY LIVE would have no need to lie about everything…. WE live in a world of lies because Space Force destroyed the world in all their TIME JUMPS using ICBM to make these Slices into our TIME Dimension [Home World] /_\ this Crystal Ball Celestial Sphere we all live inside, and though THEY LIVE these "weevils" nano robots are and is that Shade and Shadows that roam in your Human eyes as Demonic INFESTATIONS of LEGION, it is my OBSERVATION that the {only place} Qballs~ /-\ for these Canaanites / Chaldean's aka nano-robots Invasion of the Body Snatchers too (hide) that can make our EYES turn into SOLID BLACK EYES is this Pineal Gland in the Human Physical Brain WE ARE and THEY LIVE speak so fondly of…
If you have spent any time in the Study of SOLID BLACK EYES, you will know they are Parasites that have the Ability to think just as we Humans Think, and though they are nothing more then COMMON "creatures" of Magic and Sorcery, once in REALTY anything can be hunted into extinction, and since the SOLID BLACK EYES on the Hollywood TIME Androids is parts and parcel to the EXTINCTION of all mankind, what you see in the EYES of every one on TV are them that have had their Minds – Personality – Individuality REPLACED by a Parasite what Christ Jesus 1.0 in the New Testament would call When (A Demon) +=+ gets board in his or her home, so He or She then travels away into someone else mind…
IF the New Host Body does not work for the TIME Androids, it says to itself, I will go back to my {OLD HOST BODY} [{**}] and make a worse mess of it then when I first Demonically possessed that Person…, yet as Christ Jesus Returned, I tell you that these [A.I. Bots] [{*}] can not TRAVERSE like a Spirit, and once THEY LIVE Take possession of a Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body TEMPLE Temporary Avatar, then, THEY LIVE can only reproduce themselves when {you create} a Baby in your Womb…
Yes, it is true the TIME Androids come from the Future, and this Lie agreed upon called CLIMATE CHANGE is their [unwillingness] to give up Capitalism in Our TIME LINE of 2021 CE as INTERNATIONALIST........, and THEY LIVE have had plenty of time since we were all INCUBATOR BABIES in 1893 AD too take over the (Minds) of All World Leaders between WW1 and WW2 aka USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!, and use the FAKE JEWS of Hollywood from the Book of Revelation to Take over [ALL CORPORATIONS] from banks to religions too your Fast Food $1.00 Human ALT – MEAT, and Just look "close" at the EYES of the People on TV, and use your SMART Phone to (zoom in) on their eyes….
In the Days of Noah, the WIDE PATH is them that take their Pills and Get these INJECTIONS, and we can see that Stadiums were Full last Summer here in 2021 AD, so 96% of OUR World Populations took the INJECTION with "weevils" of Witch Craft and Sorcery, and N.O.W. 96% of the Worlds Population has {Cobalt Shade} in their eyes, 96% of the World is BLACK HAIR ONLY People, and 96% of the world Does as [they are told] by the GOVERNMENT Military Coreligionist: whom kill one another in WAR GAMES called Your FLAG is not My FLAG even though WAR IS MURDER, and Murder is against Our GOD….
Also know this my People and Children of Pak-Toe that 96% of the World Population in our TIME LINE live down below in the MUD FLOOD CITIES because they can not walk in our Sun since (THEY LIVE) Come from the Future UNDERGROUND CIVILIZATIONS in 2093 CE overpopulation making Babies HERE AND NOW that will overpopulate the {WORLD of the FUTURE} even more aka This TIME LINE must be wiped out by the Futurist from the FUTURE to save the "Future" from OVER-POPULATION called JADE HELM 15 here in 2022 to 2025....
Not all people with Solid Black Eyes are evil........., and the other Eyes that do many "strange" things are INVASION of the Body Snatchers from the FUTURE' trying to escape Judgment Day, but NOW that I Christ Jesus Returned has` and have walked among you, NO one Escapes Perdition as Reprobate known as them and those that {LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING} and live to do what the TV Tells you too do by these (Time Traveling) Suits and Ties and Skirts in your Nations…
Are You Catching on Yet.?.?.?
U.N. Troops of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 have [REPLACED] all Police and all Military People in this TIME LINE of 2021 and come Deagel . Com / Countries in 2025 {63% of all humans} will be dead TOP SIDE come 2026 AD / CE, and Down Below in the Underground Cities many more will be [left for dead] be you have TIME Androids in your Pineal Gland Heads, or Naturally Born to this (Time Period) here in Purgatory turning into Perdition come 2094 CE…
Francisco 7 ? ⛎ ?
Why would your {WORLD LEADERS} need such Weaponry here and now with no Human Enemy too fight, unless, you NON-MASON in this Time Line and all your "Useful Idiot" FREE MASON Lodge Members in this Same TIME LINE are too be wiped out of the TIME LINES by these Time Traveling NUCLEAR WARS Mud Flood REPLACEMENT Populations of Time Androids.?.?.?