AOC Dress Story Continues To Get More Interesting After Ethics Complaint
New claims about AOC’s “Tax the Rich” MET gala dress, emerge as it is revealed that the art was stolen for the design.

as long as people pay tax, serfdom and dictatorship will not be abolished
go to cayman and monaco
instead of losing money and life in america

tax scientology and dalai lama, fbi and pentagon, media and medium : defund the government

aoc purpose is to bankrupt usa for financing undercover nazis
agent osman of columbia : aoc
tim osman aka bin laden daughter

aoc only wants to tax the rich for paying cops covering w and blythe
citizens dont need government
government needs citizens money to protect gestapo

if government tax the rich
rich leave country to bahamas
investing in europe and asia insted of usa
only letting poverty in america
defund the government : tax the rich