#AmericanCountdown FULL: Right To Try: Americans Should Decide Their Medicine, Not The Government
In this broadcast of American Countdown, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes convenes the court to break down how the government is assuming the role of America’s healthcare amid the coronavirus pandemic, and how the American people can push back against the encroaching medical tyranny. Lawyer Joey Gilbert joins the show to discuss the federal government’s overreach in times of crisis. Tune in Monday-Thursday from 7-9 PM to get the Barnes perspective!
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Alright, you want to LISTEN to all of this… If you ever Owned a Strip Bar to a Meth Lab to any knowledge +=+ as a School Teacher or Professor that “might have” the Skill to make BOMBS for we The Society of nonmason.?.?.?.?, You are about to be ROUNDED UP!!!! I told you my “nonmason” people they are delaying and distracting YOU as they and “their families” and children get into the D.U.M.B.S. as Comet ATLAS that seems to have 9 other BLAZING STARS “associated” with it will cause CATACLYSM……., so all you dumb fucks in G4S To the DEA to S.W.A.T. Teams {knocking down doors} / * \ thinking you are being PATRIOTIC??? Do you have a Pass to the UNDERGROUND BUNKERS while there is no one in our Towns to Mega City Hospitals??? What Of your “Children” Military and National Guards.?.?.?.?.?, are they [getting a pass] [{**}] into these JADE HELM 15 Bunkers for THE TRUMP STORM of Pestilence???? You better “listen close” now all U.S. Citizens cause they doing this as more DISTRACTION while the COMET “will bring” [{*}] MUD FLOODS on our FLAT EARTH!!!!
The Commander~