America. Where they treat stage 4 tumors, with band aids. and can't figure out why people keep dying
I know I know... it will NEVER HAPPEN.... but I still gotta say it. 😂

GcMaf cures stage4 cancer fact! 80% success rate patients at a fraction of the cost of chemo that doesnt actually cure the few patient get lucky (or not after what the poor darlings have to go through). They have closed office units in England and somewhere else ineurope! The couple who were running and administered this natural enzyme that the body makes itself. Were treating stage 4 cancer patients that the nhs had left to die! So media etc try to smear ghem (amazing how big pharma has been riding off the back of sick peole for centuries) so when they catch wind of someone daring to cure people successfully (WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS NOR HAIRLOSS) they raided their unit arrested them completely wiped out the office of all medicines, files everything! Arrested for running a medical practice without a license and yet because its a natural ingredient so you dont need a license NOR can you get one if its natural!!! But of course our law courts are all part of the same and follow a law thats suits them! So these good people for not being greedy evil bstrds and charging a fraction of the price of chemo AND actually curing (sometimes gave it to patients for frre as they couldnt afford it) theyve had everything taken away from them and been slammed up! Big pharma dont want people cured theres no money in it! (What amazes me is with all that money, theyre not combatting age or looks?) These innocent people are locked up in a French prison notorious for its bad treatment apparently. They couldnt close down the swedish premises though!!! This info has got go lead someone on the right place i hope?