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America Last - Our So Called Representatives Hate Us & Ignore Us

TwoFeather - 174 Views
Published on 22 Apr 2024 / In News and Politics

In A country of Lies, Truth is Treason
The More Criminal a Gov Becomes - So do the People

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TwoFeather 3 months ago

When will People figure out that ALL governments are an Organized Crime Syndicate?
probably never. governments have been doing this to their citizens for Thousands of years.
They are Not here for You. they are here for Themselves.
But hey, go ahead and keep paying taxes (pizzo) and keep voting for them to rule over You.

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manortom63 3 months ago

MTG is a Portrait American, she should be Speaker of the House! She will not back down like a Coward, like the Rino they Have!

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TwoFeather 3 months ago

that's why she will Never be. Just as Ron Paul, the Only One who wanted to gut government and get rid of all those money grabbing agencies irs, departments of this and that. But he never got support from any of the politicians or the voters.

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