Alki's WORLD- Alki Launches A One Man War Against The Hollywood Corps, Hollywood Itself, The Deep State 2-21-23
Alki David would expose and take down every corrupt demonic sellout in Hollywood -- Think Grammys and Oscars and Satanic Halftime shows all reverse infiltrated and exposed and taken apart like Epstein's Island. We need insider crazy fkers like Alki to help destroy this, whistle blown, and make these bastard pedophile freaks GONE NOW! Thanks, Alki!
Morpheus 9-11
Alki's WORLD- Alki Launches A One Man War Against The Deep State -The Hollywood Corps, Hollywood Itself, recorded on Nino's Corner: 2-21-23
Welcome to Alki's world, folks.
This carnival ride interview has the twists and turns of a rollercoaster, but it's 100% serious. Alki is taking on the entire California Hollywood crime syndicate all by himself. Alki has declared war on the media giants CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX, which he says are controlled by Nexgen and therefore controlled by China. You can get more details on Alki's war against the deep state by going to: CBSYOUSUCK.COM
What a GREAT interview, thanks!!
Q. Wouldn’t it be effective to draft & file a CLASS ACTION law suit against the media cartels on behalf of the American Citizens as to the public domain of air space & break up the stranglehold of these multi-national criminal cartels? This shit needs to happen to help the zombies wake the fuck up!!
Knowing that the judicial system is owned by the same fuckin banksters & cartel(s), it would at least get the attention of alternative media outlets & create an information thread, like Brunson’s case.
Before NexGen it was the Mossad that had back door access & covert control of American software infrastructure, (think Gislane & Maxwell family).
Can’t wait to discover more info & projects that Alki’s working on! Cabana Boy’s BWAHAHAHA that’s fuckin GREAT!!