#AlexJonesShow: HR4 Dems Kill #Coronavirus Rescue Plan, Accelerating US Economy Death Spiral!
House and Senate Democrats have made several demands to the Coronavirus relief bill which have nothing to do with the virus, including massive collective bargaining powers for unions and stricter fuel emissions standards for airlines
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I know you are troubled, and I know your fear is there, but do not allow it to become CONSUMING!!! Remember to keep your Anger for it keeps THE MACHINE out of our heads, yet, they are putting the Pneumonia into THE RAIN, so if your condition worsens when it rains, just know it is in the Moist Air… I Told you my nonmason to CREATE a Safe Room with Duck Tape and a Heppa Filter Vacuum to allow you and your nonmason Children to breath Safe…..
If you want to read and learn about this place we call FLAT Duel Earth inside our Celestial Sphere of Purgatory, you can download the BOOK OF NONMASON and the BOOK OF PUZZLES at my mewe.com >>> Johnny Exodice…. Be of good spirits, and yeah, I can be ANGRY and Happy just like a Laughing Buddah~ !!!!
John 13:34 – Mathew 28 - 1st Corinthians 13…
I am sorry to say but this Pneumonia that the CHEM TRAILS JETS "are spraying" will make the Muck Coat and Choke your Throat, so make sure you "have a way" too clear the passage before you choke on your own spit.... #DRUNKENREBEL
The Commander~