#AlexJonesShow HR2: Great Reset Goes Off The Rails As Humanity Awakens To Global Tyranny
The Alex Jones Show Saturday Broadcast (Hour 2) - Commercial Free - 3-20-21
EMERGENCY SATURDAY BROADCAST! Great Reset Goes Off The Rails As Humanity Awakens To Global Tyranny
The globalists' accelerated plot to wipe out human rights in the name of the China Virus has resulted in an epic worldwide backlash
The globalists' accelerated plot to wipe out human rights in the name of stopping the China Virus has resulted in an epic worldwide backlash
The elites are panicking as their puppet Joe Biden's credibility on the world stage collapses following his series of policy disasters and gaffes
Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists’ New World Order blueprint called the Great Reset is in dire jeopardy as humanity around the globe is waking up to the medical tyranny imposed upon them for over a year as their traditionally reliable systems of control like the media and the political class struggle to maintain the prescribed pro-lockdown narrative.
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