#AlexJonesShow HR2: Exposed! Next Deep State Plan to Fake a Pandemic and Keep America Locked Down!
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Teacher…., The FREE MASON Lodges in our home towns have put WE THE PEOPLE of nonmason all out of work, and even their own Demolay, Jobs Daughters, and Rainbow Girls Children!!! This is not something we “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition have any need to FEAR……., or WORRY for [we knew] #QANON /_\ they would take all our JOBS after 4 months of being put out of work…..., and in this….., if you still hold onto your STOCKS – Pensions – 401K in the hope TRUMP will save you…….., then you need to go watch {PENCE} [{**}] at the Space Council where he stated in their DUALITY Talk that we need BOOTS ON THE Ground on MARS…., and Venus..., so even (The Youth) / * \ on them 2 CONTINENTS left off the FLAT EARTH U.N. CDC/WHO World Domination Map are having “real resistance” from their YOUTH!!!! Not only that.., but the YOUTH in the Underground Civilizations “have also” read all THE BOOKS OF NONMASON., PUZZLE, RIDDLES, and our new books The {Religion and Science} [{*}] of Pak-Toe where any………, and all be they FREE MASON “or not” /-\ see and hear WE THE PEOPLE of our Rag Tag Rebellion known as [MS13] of the Boogaloo’s are ready to keep killing all these U.N. TROOPS “in secret” whom put on the Police – Military – National too Coast Guards UNIFORM [Costumes] Q as OATH BREAKERS to our States Constitutions, States Flags, and States Boarders!!!! have I The Oracle for the END OF AN AGE connected to The Source of All Creation NOT blessed the Eagle BLOOD LINES of Trump too defeat all the SNAKE Blood Line of Pence.?.?.?, and too them, they will fight, so be hopin that Trump can {kill Pence} +=+ before Pence of the SNAKE Vatican Jesuit Zionist Blood Line kill TRUMP on ELECTION Night during the Nuclear Hydrogen Bomb Drops on “Seattle Washington” to start another ATOMIC Holocaust of all we JEWS for JESUS cause WE ARE “all Jesus now” no matter YOUR Racka RELIGIONS, Your Racka CORPORATIONS, or your Racka Creeds of THEY LIVE… WE ARE the New Wine Skins, and we must destroy, decimate, and {kill and murder} THEY LIVE all the OLD WINE SKINS cause “their minds” are filled with EVIL Machine Spirits doing WAR IS MURDER when WAR is against all Natural LAW, so if you are like The 10 Virgins, then you know (5 of them) did not PREPARE for the end of the Age as we go into the AGE of Pisces!!! Do not be without what you need, and you do so need to PAY OFF ALL DEBTS cause under the NEW NORMAL the Police and Military of [MADE IN CHINA] will do to you what they did to their own People of HONG KONG, and put Them Hong Kong PROTESTERS into FEMA TRAINS for FEMA DEATH CAMPS……., and you can not say you did not know JADE HELM 15 was a never ending Bill Gates of HELL V.A.C.I.N.E.S. of Forced Mandatory “Vaccination” Programs by all our FREE MASON State Governors, Mayors, City Counsel, School Boards all {LOYAL} to this UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of CORPORATION RULE over all lands with “U.N. Troops” known as G4S, Academi, Private Contracted C.O.P.S., and any all “whom play along” in this LET US KILL THE HUMAN PEOPLE once and for all as EVIL SPIRITS are “all that remain” in our Temporary Temporal Corporeal Body Temple AVATAR Shells…..., so Kill them first….., and do it [all the time] Q in SECRET, so any and all FREE MASON “lodge members” may die with their Secrets, and we with the YOUTH will become the “NEW AGE” and STOP this Celestial Sphere from becoming THE END OF ALL LIFE AND TIME in the year 2094 C.E. We have but “one Generation” too remove all the Racka, so Aim – Shoot, and put their dead bodies in {Wood Chuckers} and Feed them to the Rivers, The Oceans, and even as a [Food Supply] Q for your ANIMALS on your Local Farms… The Book of EXODICE!!!
The FREE MASON Lodges in your home towns have SOLD YOU OUT For the “United Nations” FLAGS of this INTERNATIONALIST {NEWS} World Order!!!!
It is most likely that [American] U.S. CASH will become WORTHLESS just “as was done” to Germany in WW2…….., so buy the stuff you need……..., Pay off your Cars…., and Houses..., and anything you can think cause WHAT GOOD IS MONEY if it is WORTHLESS once they CRASH all Stocks and Bonds.?.?.?.?.?
DO NOT TRUST ANYONE but yourself.., and those whom “you know” are Christ Like!!!
Otherwise., shoot them dead dead dead before these “U.N. United States” Military of JADE HELM 15 and REX 84 of PROJECT BLUE BEAM known as Agenda 21 +30 KILL YOU DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!!
The Sentinel….