#AlexJonesShow HR1: Alex Jones Knows Joe Biden's Next Moves, And How to Stop Him
Infowars has discovered the Globalist/Deep State strategy to complete their steal of the election & put the United States on permanent, marital law lockdown -- 06
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And The Teacher Spoke…, Be grateful you know whom you’m are……..., and what this place is’ for if PURGATORY was not a Place of Redemption – Reconsideration – Reconciliation…….., then you too [would be] @Qball~ /_\ One of The Dammed……., The Cursed…..., and The Forsaken….., and why do I so say this.?.?.? Let us start with them INCUBATOR BABIES that {we the people} [{**}] are all decedents of… Now look at all the Child Labor` of Light Skin Blue Eyed “Fair Hair” People from 1893 to 1945 where INDUSTRIALIST became These CAPITALIST of today in 2021, and WE THE PEOPLE no longer make things too last…., and we no longer “Reuse” Glass for Drink…, and Seeds.., or Food: for GLASS can be used “over and over” without any need for one FUCKING Piece of Plastic that Overflows in our Land Fills., +=+ and the Oceans on BOTH SIDES of our FLAT EARTH Celestial Sphere Reality known as This PLANET Earth: by the Fake Space Hollywood {NEWS} World Order, and then consider [all the things] / * \ we have bought and made from 1893 A.D. too now in 2020 A.D. ????? Do you have any “depth” or Scope of the amount of Trash we have made in our Throw Away Societies, so people like you could be CAPITALIST!?!?!?!? Look at the Blue Skies, and then ask your self this my {Fellow Citizen} of THIS WORLD, and of all YOUR fucking U.N. FLAGS that love to keep building more and more WEAPONS WEAPONS WEAPONS as they use them Bombs and Guns AND Drones too destroy [the land] [{*}] where Farmers once grew food to feed their moms and dads; as well as, their sons and daughters… Now, to do machinery, you need many “dangerous” Chemicals in them Lathe Shops, and any thing from a Nut to a Bolt to Rockets and Nuclear Hydrogen ICBM Atomic “Holocaustic” Weapons……., and every day this WORLD of them U.N. FLAGS have made many Many MANY things from [Cell Phones] to Robots, and all them CHEMICALS that used to end up in the RIVERS {of this world} that WAS ended in the 1970’s as THEY LIVE these FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation, and all their Hollywood TV Shows of (Buy our Crap) dumped Tons and Tons and TONS of Toxins into the “Water Supplies” of all countries, and then the Hippies and them Tree Hiphuggers said: STOP!!! You are killing all the Fish in the Lakes, and The Streams, so it stopped, but what do you think these CORPORATIONS “did” cause we kept making Shit to Buy and Sell on the NEVER Ending Stock Exchanges??? We put them “waste” Chemicals, and Toxic Metals into the CHEM TRAIL Planes so THESE FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation could “Spray” all their Trash into our Air Supplies since the end of the 1970s where Disco Died, and we went right into the 1980’s GREED of You CAPITALIST!!!! So as these FREE MASON Lodge Members have been CONTINUALLY spraying Our skies with so much Filth, the Plants, and the Insects are all dying……., and we the people keep having more and more Brain Damaged Children……., and so Be “Thankful” you are just RELIVING what killed all WE ARE “The People” of this Dying World in the Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855… The Book of EXODICE!!!
If this world was REAL we would STOP making “all things” and SHUT DOWN The Whole Wide World under A Lie Agreed Upon called (COVID19) too save the Planet our “Celestial” Sphere we all live inside, but these Parasitic EYES that go SOLID Black from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH killed [their side] of the World, and now our Symbiotic EYES that go SOLID BLACK will most Certainly Die out in 2094 C.E. just as The Oracle Spoke, so DO what you can to Reuse {Plastics Bottles} and Styrofoam Cups and Take Out Trays for [it is too late] /-\ too STOP what must come……., and in that` it will be: The END OF THE WORLD in 2094 C.E., and now you know “why” we all died by [our own hands] and GREED to have more, and more, and more with “no consideration” of what WE THE PEOPLE, and our CAPITALISTIC Military Complex “Leaders” were actually giving back to we Their CITIZEN Employers of all these {U.N. Flags} Capitalist GOVERNMENTS, and this is why OUR Skies are now Filled with Too much Dirty “Fracking Oils” from all the PLASTIC Junk you have in your houses, homes, and abodes…
The Society of nonmason~
THEY SHUT DOWN THE WORLD to try and “slow down” the HEAT in the Atmosphere in our Bubble this {Celestial Sphere} known as PURGATORY: as THEY LIVE continue too SPRAY their WASTE from all these “U.N. FLAGS” Corporations Machinery into OUR Skies…..., so you tell me: How will that Save our World when the Chemicals from Coal Burning Plants, and Fracking OIL still [fills the airs] we humans all need too breath???????, it is in the Water Supplies we need too DRINK as well…..., and it covers the “Lands” we all need too grow our food.?.?.?.?
The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…
The Sentinel…