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Alex Jones & David Icke Debate Elon Musk, Transhumanism, and the NWO as well as Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview! – FULL SHOW 2/9/24

Infowars - 328 Views
Published on 12 Feb 2024 / In News and Politics

Alex Jones & David Icke Debate Elon Musk, Transhumanism, and the NWO as well as Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview! – FULL SHOW 2/9/24

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JamesRoss 5 months ago

Come on...
It's just a show...
Don't take it seriously:

It is a show where you show your true spiritual colors. Will you truly fight for a better world for all to live in with integrity as THE guide? Or will you sell-out your genetic humanity and slink around with those ancient devils telling you how to "evolve" into wretched human2.0 shadows of what your human-spirit was blueprinted by God to become with good-intentions for all others?

The cUlt's minions are lead to believe that they will have technology on their side to help only them to break their bond with the Creator-God's blueprint of intelligent-design. Instead, minions will always only get what they truly deserve for their treachery to their own souls.

You murderous and genocidal thUgs still have some time available to re-route your paths away from the spiritual destruction designed by ancient, Homo capensis masters. If minions destroy their "selves" it will not be only by their devils' will since free-will is promised to everyone in order to show their true spiritual colors. That is what physical reality is designed to do and just look at what all the minions are doing to others for their own rewards.

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