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Alcyon Pleiades 68 New Edition: Electromagnetism, Electrosensitivity, 5G networks, Nanotechnology

Teia Cosmica
Teia Cosmica - 368 Views
Published on 05 Aug 2020 / In Film and Animation

***New Edition***
We are being secretly attacked in order to make us sick, robotocise us still further and reduce the human population. Geoengineering is causing this damage using drones and crop-sprayers loaded with toxic chemical substances such as nanorobots that enter the bloodstream causing incurable illness. It also uses nanochips that, not only make us sick, they also engender more robotisation. All of this is taking place in addition to the intrusion of expanding surveillance and the modification of our daily conduct and behaviour.

What can be said of the electromagnetic contamination that is becoming increasingly widespread with each passing day, particularly in the field of mobile technology, 5G networks and other cutting edge technologies? Are people aware of the terrible disorders they cause when used in an excessive and addictive manner?

There is no doubt that very few are aware of the damage this technology causes through the use of extremely high electromagnetic radiation that can result in tumours and increased sensitivity to the electromagnetic field, which is destroying many people's lives… It interferes with our body's normal functioning and provokes an alteration of melatonin which regulates our immune and hormonal systems, in addition to damaging our DNA which becomes irreversibly changed.

Additionally, our food is being charged by the harmful microwaves used in millions of homes, so little by little, the entire planet is being introduced into a global radioactive prison.

If we do not learn how to properly manage the huge amount of electro-negativity we receive daily, it will make us sick and stunt the development of the radiant energies we emit when practicing meditation or while experiencing a state of peace, happiness or internal serenity. This implies energetic obstruction and our vibrational field and heart centre will become debilitated and disconnected from reality. Why is the correlation between the Sun and human, terrestrial and stellar electromagnetism so fundamental?

Created by Alcyon

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