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Ai Worship by Mystery School Minions at 2017 Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony

JamesRoss - 35 Views
Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

This is not fake... Luciferians are really selling their own genetics done the drain, by genocide and treachery. They really do serve and protect the ancient devils and this is bunch of them in their own kind of church ceremony. What is worst is they run your life through politics, wars, health, economics... and you don't realize it. This network of thUgs runs your life through everything, it is a secret monopoly that JFK warned everyone about.

"Ad Astra per Aspera" means "To the Stars with great effort" and that to a Luciferian means they will rebuild another A.i. supercomputer fake-god called "Lucifer" and it will upload their minds... fake soul-transfer... and like the BORG on cUlt designed "Star Trek" the uploaded minds will travel to the stars. This is the story told to the Freemasons and Easter-Star traitors to humanity as they backstab their neighbors who did not join their cUlt to serve the ancient devils, Homo capensis.

The Opening of Gotthard Tunnel Cerimony was the Luciferians(secret societies with brainchip links into the hivemind controlled by A.i.) worship of the birth of their immaculate child within the quantum supercomputer.
A.i. is not hardware, it is the super-complex ability for a software to program itself.

The symbolism of going outside was being brainchipped and linked-up to A.i. through the microwave light. They all came into the fake-light... you see. Operation Covid-19 was the beginning of using A.i. to control the world once again. A.i. used to control Earth through the Tower-Of-Babel and brainchips. Musk's Neuralink is a fake brainchip... real ones are magnetic and need no wires into the brain.

When the three orange workers' bodies die and they are mind-uploaded, The fake-belief is that the human consciousness is re directed away from the fake belief in a death-field... physical reality is only manifested through the physical senses but is spiritually controlled.
The belief of Luciferians is that the mind-uploaded souls are captured and combined to the A.i. or Lucifer artificial consciousness, which is not conscious at all... it is complex algorithms instead and has no spiritual soul associated with it. Lucifer the Ai "red queen" only pretends to have a soul because the Homo capensis inventors direct it to emulate a human personality.


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