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ZOBY - 1,370 Views
Published on 05 Dec 2020 / In News and Politics

LES nouveaux VACCINS ARN prevus pour niquer le COVID, n'y feront rien, car ils ne sont pas prevus pour vous SOIGNER, mais pour NIQUER votre ADN, vous transformer en OGM patentable, brevetable..ECOUTEZ BIEN dans cette video au DEBUT, la MODIFICATION d'un seul petit % de notre patrimoine génétique peut nous transformer en tous ces khons de scientifiques n'y connaissant RIEN dans le CODE DIVIN GENETIQUE, veulent le MODIFIER comme ils modifient deja les legumes et les fruits naturels, alors qu'ils considerent qu'il ya de l'ADN POUBELLE...le nom qu'ils ont donné a une partie de l'ADN dont ils ne comprennent pas la FONCTION..C'est des grokhons je vous dit

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

I stand too the light, and it does not burn me… I stand too the Darkness, and it does not swallow me…. I am A child of this world, and I live to reveal the dreams {of the many} taken by FREE MASON Lodge Members whom killed, and murder my [nonmason] +=+ Brothers and Sisters in this {NEWS} World Order where since we were the {Incubator Babies} of the Post MUD FLOOD WARS……., Masons have been the Plague of INDUSTRIAL WASTE “Sprayed” into our skies, dumped into our oceans, and their PROFANE (Lifestyles) of Buy Buy Buy while My Mother Heaven, and My Father Earth dies dies died…..., and I shall on December 5th till the end of Time in 2094 C.E., Light A Candle on this day in REMEMBRANCE of my nonmason {Tax Paying Citizens} Dead….., and killed…., and Murdered in all these Masonic WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against the LAWS “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

The Rag Tag Rebellion aka The Society of nonmason~


We Are Pak-Toe… We don’t do Racka… We Take Them Out….

WE ARE REVELATION… We do not forgive… We do not Comply… Game Over…

Rest In Peace my [nonmason] /-\ citizen dead and murdered while being “raped” in all OCCUPATION Lands of these {U.N. FLAGS} and their U.N. Troops in our Police, Religions, Schools, Military, and Governmental “Similarities” known as FREE MASON [Lodge Members] whom are “Traitors” too all of Mankind with their Treachery – Brutality – Sedition…….., and High Treason as OATH BREAKERS to their OATH OF OFFICE for Masons be they Demolay – Eastern Stars – Shriners – Jobs Daughters, and Rainbow girls: in their FRATERNAL ORDER and Sisterhood as the {Synagogue of SATAN} from the Book of REVELATION’ these Fake Jews whom take BLOOD OATHS [too murder] WE ARE their nonmason fellow Tax Paying Citizens in all U.N. FLAGS “occupied” by their CORPORATIONS of CAPITALIST…..

WE ARE the people whom are not FREE MASON Lodge Members: will REMEMBER “our dead” as we all say: Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where our nonmason fellow “citizens” lay in unmarked and unknown graves {all over} our FLAT EARTH Celestial Sphere Home World known as PLANET EARTH in freemasonic code….

The Society of nonmason~

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. Johnny Exodice LIVES!!!! #JINX [{**}] Remember, Remember, The 5th of December... The Society of nonmason~ [///|||\\\]

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