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Addresses on the Epistles Of John And Jude by H A Ironside, Chapter 5 Doxology 24 - 25

Irving Risch
Irving Risch - 348 Views
Published on 27 Sep 2023 / In Spiritual

On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast.
Addresses on the Epistles Of John And Jude, by H A Ironside
Now that I have finished all the writings by Samuel Ridout, I am coming back to finish up on the writing of Harry A Ironside.
In this series, there will be 17 videos.
Introductory Notes
by Arno C. Gaebelein
First John is not addressed to any one church nor does it mention, like the other New Testament Epistles, the author of the document; it is anonymous. However, we are not left in doubt as to who wrote this Epistle. There can be no question that the author of the fourth Gospel is also the author of 1 John. Its opening statement is linked with the opening of the Gospel, and throughout the Epistle are found the thoughts and language of the fourth Gospel. Inasmuch then as that Gospel is indisputably the work of the apostle John, this Epistle is also the work of his inspired pen.

While the internal testimony confirms conclusively the Johannine authorship of the Epistle, there is also a mass of historical evidence that attributes the Epistle to the beloved disciple. The oldest testimony as to the genuineness and the authorship of this Epistle is that of Polycarp, who was personally acquainted with the apostle John. Irenaeus, the disciple of Polycarp, frequently quoted the Epistle and stated that it was John’s. After Polycarp and Irenaeus, every authority among the church fathers mentioned this Epistle as being the work of the apostle John. In harmony with this evidence is the testimony of the oldest fourth-century Greek manuscripts, which give the title of the Epistle as
Joannou-A—that is, “John 1.”

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