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Absolute Batman Has Two Cover Pages. 😀😂🤣😇😈🦸‍♂️🦹‍♂️💥

superdavebeastula - 33 Views
Published on 21 Oct 2024 / In Film and Animation

This Is a sort of interesting concept. The Absolute Batman issue number 1 has two sets of covers. The original which makes the comic more valuable, and then you have the secondary one. The second one is built upon the first. You could rip that one off to get the original. The only thing is if the story is good or is it Woke.

Here's the article from Bleeding Cool that we used.

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sodige1288 7 hours ago

I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $220 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­'d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 15k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­...,

­­­­­C­­­o­­­p­­­y­­­­ ­­­­T­­­h­­­­­­i­­­s.­­­.­­­­­.­­­­­­..­­­­.­.­ W­­­w­­­­w.P­­­­a­­­­y­­­­r­­­­­i­­­­c­­­­h­­­e.C­­­o­­­­m

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