About those Conspiracy "Theories"...
About those Conspiracy "Theories"...
The Term “conspiracy theorist” is a label used by the establishment to dismiss the idea that powerful people might get together and actually plan anything - George Carlin
"They try to make it so that a belief in a conspiracy makes you somehow outside the norm, that you’re a kook, that you’re a conspiracy buff, they say "He’s just a conspiracy buff." Well, I’d like to read you something that I wrote: Do I believe in conspiracies? Nahhh. Do I believe powerful people would get together and plan for certain outcomes? Nahhh. Do I believe powerful interests would operate outside the law and maybe even kill people? Nahhh. Do I believe secret government agencies might feel the need to assassinate a person and cover it up? Nahhh. I think everything in America is open and clean and above board and powerful people always play by the rules ;) " -George Carlin
George Carlin: Conspiracy Theorists and Powerful People
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Shane's Playlists on Roxytube - https://www.roxytube.com/v/NuWOc1
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