A-QUEEN'S-DECEPTION by Justinian Deception
A-QUEEN'S-DECEPTION by Justinian Deception
Original video source here:
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Romley Stewart is great. He plays all his own music for his vids too.
He brings out the syntactic fraud of the english language mixed with sign language on all document that the fake legal system tries to pass off as correct.
He also show the old world order of having a creditor birth certificate and a debtor birth certificate where the surname is incorporated with the given name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F7IjcOlIew
It may be a commonweath country thing, but Australia is the water and an island, not the continent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCE61FIK-pA Likely the same for New Zealand and Canada and South africa, maybe USA, too. I have not found the same description for Canada that make all Canadian citizens foreigners.
It is a very deceptive game the Freemasons and the rest of the Cult are playing upon us, everywhere.
