An Interpretation 8 12 21, Timothy Dixon's Dream, Part 2
REVIVAL comes out of persecution. Jesus Christ, Salvation the ways of God are being revealed. The Truth is being revealed. Just like when Martin Luther reformation unlocked the Bible in 1517. 500 years ago. When the Pilgrims land 400 years ago 1620, The founding Fathers overthrew England 1776. It is Jesus Christ. The Work of God's power, his Holy Spirit on the earth to keep the land and people clean and free. Everyone 100 years or more we the people have to get our houses, temple of God cleaned out.
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness. Mankind has rights to live free independent lives. To own land, get married and obey God. We The People obey God by farming the land, multiplying and raising children with the knowledge of God our Father, Savior living within us. Making Mankind more than mere animals because their creator lives in them. Our "CREATOR" Speaking, communicating with us all day long. God, Jesus sharing his love, power and authority with us. God's power and authority over ALL the elements of the earth. God in man helping him take good care of the earth.
The Bible calls it a Jubilee. Return the land back to the people. Free all slavery debts, forgiveness of debts, trespasses. Bring the tithe the silver dimes back into he storehouse. Back to the people so they have plenty to eat. Restore the gold and silver coins. Black Horse of Revelation, Just weights and balance. Dealing with Bread Wheat and Barley.
The Lords Supper is the covenant between God and Man.
A lie can get you around the world before the Truth gets it's boots on. But woe to these liars. The promises the liars will be caught and punished, judged. The good people restored to a moral clean free place of Happiness.
Convicting men of their sins, crimes so they humble themselves before God. Men must stop sinning, (committing crimes), turn to God and become Saints. In a free society all men must live right, and start doing the right thing. Living as good, clean minded men, Good citizens. Men must be honoring God's power and authority in everyone's life. There is only one law giver and that is God. Men should serve God and His laws only. All laws must submit to God's laws. Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical, Financial, or legal advice.
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