A Final Warning To Humanity From Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon!
A Final Warning To Humanity From Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon! -
(Natural News) A former Pfizer scientist warned that the government and Big Pharma are colluding to deceive the general population in the current pandemic. Dr. Michael Yeadon said in a recent interview that governments around the world had exaggerated the true risk of the Wuhan coronavirus. According to the former Pfizer expert, “global crimes against humanity are being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population.”
Yeadon spent more than three decades helming research on new medicines. By the time of his retirement, he held “the most senior research position” in the pharmaceutical industry. The scientist addressed several points during his telephone interview with LifeSiteNews, mostly involving “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments.

Stop the poison! Trump should know by now, simply by reading the CDC stats and VAERS stats and the WHO statements, that the vax don't work and people are being killed and maimed. This is what the EBS should be used for right now if anything to stop the genocide! Trump is the one who needs to do some research. He needs to use the EBS right now and stop the jabs until further research is done! Thousands would be saved here and millions worldwide!

Thank you for yr courage! You are a hero!