A Doctor with absolutely no fcks left to give; grabs a microphone
BubbaGrumpAZ - 686 Views
Published on 08 May 2020 / In News and Politics
A Doctor with absolutely no f*cks left to give; grabs a microphone & absolutely DESTROYS Democrats and their nation wide corona virus shut down.
When you quarantine healthy people, it weakens their immune system, makes them more vulnerable to illness. and there you have it folks, the recommendation from the corrupt deepstate gates/ferguson/fauxci/birx to have the world under house arrest is about death population control
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5 years ago
Let me make this clear. I do not know whose right or wrong in this debate and I never will if the establishment has their way. If you think you can tell me I am too dumb to decide for myself so you have to control the information I receive; if you think you can tell me to shut up and sit down.
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