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⚡ 🇷🇺 An American Man On The Ground In Russia Says The Mainstream Media Reporting Of Protests Over Blaming Vladimir Putin For Alexei Navalny’s Death In A Russian Prison Is A Lie He Says There

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 254 Views
Published on 18 Feb 2024 / In News and Politics

⚡ 🇷🇺 An American Man On The Ground In Russia Says The Mainstream Media Reporting Of Protests Over Blaming Vladimir Putin For Alexei Navalny’s Death In A Russian Prison Is A Lie

He Says There’s No Protests, Just Members Of The Media

Most likely, it is about members of foreign media trying to create drama so that there is a reason to write.

Before that people left flowers and the police just secured the region

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anoncoward 5 months ago

Looks safe. Safer than the west. Lol.

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