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PPN World News Headlines - 24 Jun 2024
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World's largest nations may be 'forming a cavalry' to take on Facebook

MAGAA777 - 658 Views
Published on 22 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

Sky News host Chris Smith says the early signs would suggest the world’s largest nations may be “forming a cavalry” to back Australia and take on Facebook themselves.

Facebook decided to ban Australian news content following escalating hostilities over the Australian government’s media bargaining code, which sought to force tech giants to pay Australian media outlets for using news content.

Mr Smith said the Morrison government undertook the “world's first real attempt, to stop the bullying and robbery being undertaken, by the rich and powerful big tech companies, such as Google and Facebook”.

“For too long, both had been using the resources of news organisations worldwide, to earn incredible revenue,” Mr Smith said.

“For all the criticism bucketed on the federal government in the past 12 months, it has done a remarkable job, through one of the worst years in living memory".

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Daniel J Towsey
Daniel J Towsey 3 years ago

The Covid War = Full playlist

The virus never existed but the poisonous dna altering mRNA injection which is not a vaccine dose... the fake deaths from the first vaccine were to scare people so thye rush to get the poison..then they tell us there are now worst strains out that are even more poisonous so that billions of sheepple will panic and will run out to get another but worse deadly mrna injection that is not a vaccine...the problem the cabal has is that so many people are waking up to the truth so now you know why the globalists are shutting down social media...they want to kill us as it says on The Georgia Guidestones and also in the UN Agenda 21 depopulation plans...

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PPN World News Headlines - 24 Jun 2024
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