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BCP: The question of installing a true Pope

What is the truth
What is the truth - 459 Views
Published on 13 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics

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There is currently a suicide synod in the Vatican. The incomprehensible passivity of the Catholic public towards this betrayal of God has been broken by five courageous cardinals with their five dubia. Even so, a few hours later, Bergoglio, in a Jesuitically sly manner, approved the blessing of so-called homosexual couples, and consequently also queer couples. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate responded to this with two articles in particular, one entitled: “O My people, come out of Bergoglio’s Babylon!” and the other, “Francis Bergoglio, blessing of gays, and 2nd Vatican Council”. The first article points out the necessity to come out, to separate from the curse brought by Bergoglio, who, with the heretical and immoral system he has already built, does not give room for an orthodox Pope to be elected.
Let us point out again that there is currently a state of sede vacante, that is, the Church has no Pope. After all, it must be clear to everyone that a man dedicated to Satan cannot be the Vicar of Jesus Christ! But unfortunately even the most genuine Catholics do not want to see this reality. They do not even want to ask the question: Can a man dedicated to Satan be Pope? It is an incomprehensible blindness and a radical boycott, even hatred of the truth. It is a glaring sign of a curse on the Catholic Church, which does not cease to profess that an arch-heretic and Satanist is its Pope.
The only solution today is to separate from the heretic dedicated to Satan, who is pushing ahead with a cesspool of immorality and destroying God’s and natural laws. It is a betrayal of Christ to continue to submit to one who has scandalously excommunicated himself from the Church. To believe that one must continue to obey him, as Bishop Schneider advises, is a false obedience, that is, disobedience and rebellion against God, the Gospel, and the commandments of God. God is to be obeyed more than men – and the more so when they ostentatiously oppose God. Jorge Bergoglio, the occupant of the highest power in the Church, is one such person, and with him, his entire Deep Church. It is necessary to come out of this Babylon!
In the second article, we pointed to the necessary revival of the Church at the root – in radice. This is connected with calling the Second Vatican Council what it was, heretical. The Council, with its spirit of aggiornamento or opening to the world, prepared the way for Bergoglio. By introducing ambiguous terms, it opened the door to the modernist heresies contained in the historical-critical method now promoted in many theological disciplines. It doubts the divinity of Christ, denies Christ’s historical and real resurrection, questions the divine inspiration of Scripture and all that is supernatural in the Bible. It is essentially a renaissance of modernism, which St Pius X condemned as a heretical system.
Moreover, with the declaration Nostra Aetate the Council opened the door to syncretism through the so-called respect for other religions, de facto respect for pagan cults and their demons. True mission was replaced with interreligious dialogue and eventually pagan antimission. These are the facts that set the stage for the greatest heretic in the history of the Church occupying the office of St Peter. Therefore, the false canonization of the architects and promoters of Vatican II, namely John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II, must also be annulled. Why? Because the three of them brought the anathema of God upon themselves. For what? One promoted the heretical Council, the other approved it, and the third one implemented it at Assisi and elsewhere.
All three of them must be excommunicated posthumously because they abused papal authority to promote and implement the heretical Council. John XXIII had a duty to oppose the spreading heresies of modernism at the time, just as St Pius X did for the sake of the Church’s revival. John XXIII did the opposite. He used the Council to create the space for the mass spread of these modernist heresies. Paul VI, as Pope, had no right to approve the heretical Council, but he had a duty to condemn it. John Paul II also had a duty to call attention to the heresies and the heretical spirit of the Council and to oppose modernism and syncretism. He did the opposite.
So, the canonization of all three of them, canonized by the arch-heretic Bergoglio, must be declared null and void and they must be posthumously excommunicated, just like Pope Honorius I who neglected to radically oppose the heresy of monotheletism. Without these radical steps, a revival of orthodox teachings is impossible. The Church on earth is not a philosophical discussion club or an association addressing climate change or masquerading occultism as ecology or promoting NWO development projects. And it is certainly not here to approve of unnatural sodomy or bless these sinful activities. Moreover, the hierarchs of the Church, and indeed even the Catholic of the most backward parish, cannot follow this so-called Holy Father Francis or dedicate themselves to Satan as he does. Bergoglio’s sect also promotes the elimination of the priesthood and the elimination of the Divine Liturgy.
The Bergoglian process of suicide of the Church must be radically stopped. There must be a change, a true metanoia, a change of mind and a change of path. Instead of the synodal autogenocidal path, we must return to the narrow path of salvation, the path of following our Lord Jesus Christ (Mt 7:14). This revival process must be led by an orthodox and valid Pope. This is the sine qua non. It is clear to everyone that in the given situation this orthodox Pope cannot be elected by the Bergoglian sect that occupies the Vatican.
Bergoglio’s sect will automatically install Francis No.2, No.3, etc., and will continue to transform the Church, including the very last parish. It will transform every Catholic to make him accept sodomy and undergo dedication to Satan as if it were nothing, according to the precedent model of the arch-heretic Bergoglio. This sect is no longer the Church of Christ, and those who form an inner unity with Jorge Bergoglio and obey him and his minions are excluded by God from salvation. If they die in this unrepentant state of rebellion, they will be eternally damned. They have nothing to do with the vineyard of Christ. They along with Bergoglio occupy Christ’s vineyard, and morally kill those who are faithful to Christ.
If there is to be a stop and a radical metanoia in radice, there must be a proven person who, in these difficult circumstances, will stand in the power of God against the whole system of evil working within and without the Church. He must be one who has radically separated himself from the curse of the Bergoglian system and structure. The first orthodox Pope thus elected can already be followed in this line by another orthodox Pope who will continue the work of the renewal of the Church.
Credit where the credit is due, the five cardinals who, with their heroic attitude, with their dubia, stood up against the destructive activity of the current pseudo-pope have thus stood up against the spirit of darkness that has kept the whole Catholic Church in spiritual blindness and paralysis. Thanks are also due to Card. Müller and Card. Duka for their courageous action against this self-defeating process in the Church. All of them have paved the way for the beginning of the revival process.
The sede vacante issue as well as the issue of the occupation of the papal chair by the archheretic was addressed four years ago by the Synod of Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate. All eight bishops took the saving step of unanimously electing, in extraordinary circumstances and in an extraordinary manner, the former nuncio of the USA, Carlo Maria Viganò, as true Pope. The election already took place on 14 October 2019. The pope-elect has not yet responded to the election because the conditions for its implementation have not been created. The situation is similar to when the prophet Samuel anointed David as king, although Saul still continued to reign even though he had already been rejected by God.
Dear true Catholic bishops, it is now up to you who will create the conditions for the orthodox Pope to begin the renewal through one of your dioceses. By doing so, you will save yourselves and your diocese from the self-destructive globalization of the Bergoglian sect. If you remain passive and reluctant to recognize the election of the true Pope and to open the door to salvation through your diocese, the Bergoglian machine will transform you and your diocese into a New Age Antichurch, subservient to Satan, under the leadership of the one who publicly dedicated himself to him in Canada in 2022. Bergoglio will not stop his destructive activity. His sect – the Deep Church – will not allow an orthodox Pope to be elected in the Vatican. Dear true Catholic bishops, God has placed the salvation of the Catholic Church in your hands. The condition of salvation on your part now is that you and your diocese come out of the Bergoglian Babylon and accept the true Catholic representative of Christ and the true successor of the Apostle Peter.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

23 October 2023

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