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I No Longer Trust the FDA - Fauci Wants Jab Mandates

John Houk
John Houk - 980 Views
Published on 23 Aug 2021 / In News and Politics

I uploaded this video from Vlad Tepes. The website title: “More google enemy propaganda, and corruption of the FDA”. The Vlad Tepes link: Since the FDA has officially approved the Pfizer Jab (removing the experimental status), I was most interested in the “corruption” part.

The video scrolls through Google headlines designed to brainwash public approval (with annoying background music). Even with all the published adverse Pfizer side-effects which include jab deaths, the FDA has provided a stamp of approval. Such dedication to faulty Globalist-Science means the FDA is committed to a political agenda MORE THAN protecting the wellbeing of individuals. I provided a title.

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