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Zero Point Volume IV - Left Hemisphere Edition

bodhi_mantra - 1,167 Views
Published on 06 Jul 2018 / In Film and Animation

In 2013 Zero Point : Volume IV - Beyond was released on the Vivid Pictures YouTube channel. The video was intended as a kind of psychedelic crescendo to a compilation of information I deemed to be the most important I had absorbed in the years preceding the creation of the series. The framing of the video clips within a contextualised backdrop was intended to convey the importance of The Mystery of Human Consciousness and how the subject should not be trivialised in the way that it so often is within mainstream scientific circles. I now realise that the method of delivery was ill fitting to the purpose and so have re-edited the film as a straight informational presentation. I can only apologise for depriving the viewer of the purer experience upon initial release as this is probably the most important collection of information the Zero Point series has delivered.

Original Description : Concluding the Zero Point series; Volume IV - Beyond explores the nature of consciousness, examining scientific discoveries that demonstrate the effect of consciousness on the material world and considering the implications. Did our ancient ancestors understand the true nature of consciousness centuries ago? It is time to venture Beyond the limits of our perceptions and into a realm of infinite information that is the Zero Point field.

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