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9/11 80s & 90s Predictive Programming Halloween Special!

Brandon Nighthawk
Brandon Nighthawk - 280 Views
Published on 01 Nov 2024 / In Film and Animation

This year marks the 23rd Anniversary of 9/11! From the moment The World Trade Center Buildings was a thought, they were doomed. It was Rockefeller's brainchild for the The Powers That Be for the "The Ultimate Bludd Sac-ru-fice" in the thousands that was to come within "The Mew Millennium". The Twin Towers has been shown in countless films via Hollyweird because as always they show you twisted truths of what is really going on, what has already occurred and what is about to happen. With every film among other media featuring the WTC, it was a "countdown" of sorts for the viewer to see them because it was getting closer & closer to be the last! If you've never noticed this perhaps never even knew about this horror beyond then you will because in this special 9/11 Predictive Programming series special of Mine, I show you most of the entertainment that I know that placed the Two Towers within them thru the 1970s - the early 2000s!

This 9/11 Halloween Special shows more of 1988's Maniac Cop & 1989's Ghostbusters II as well as the USA's Network's October Halloween Commercial that aired soon after 9/11 in 2001!

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