8.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter, Negative 48, The Apostles For The Big Reveal, The Jesus Strand - LIVE
Patriot Streetfighter hosted on his channel: The Jesus Strand presented by Negative 48, Sabrinagal, Toronto and Brice. 8.27.21
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Send comments or questions to jodienewelltransform@gmail.com
The DS uses our emotions as a weapon against us.
They want us in FEAR and God calls us to be in LOVE.
This is a spiritual battle. When they said to pick a side, the two sides are LOVE and FEAR.
What do you choose?
If you find, like I did, that your emotions have taken over your life and/or you don’t know what to do about your stronger, perceived negative emotions...my courses will help. Check them out and choose what resonates with you. You’ll love them!
You’ve got this!! We are all here to help each other. Others helped me with my emotions and now I’m helping others. In turn, you will reach and help others too.
But it starts with you. You have to help yourself and take the reins of your emotions first.
Part of the excitement and drama of this reality is we chose to forget that our emotions were our power and how we use them, consciously and mostly unconsciously, to co-create our reality.
Just ask yourself this question: How do I feel about my life and what’s happening in my reality?
If you love it and are in positive vibrations….that’s amazing, teach that to others.
If you feel down, hopeless, depressed, out of control, powerless, unhappy, unfulfilled, dissatisfied, etc most days….then I understand. I used to feel this way. In fact, I felt this way for nearly 4 decades. But then God led me to some people who mostly felt love and positive vibrations. I used their tools to help me remember my power with my emotions and how to shift it, anywhere, anytime.
Each one, teach one. Now it’s my turn to teach and help others remember, so they can teach and help many more others remember as well, and on and on it goes.
Check out my courses, they will help you remember your power, remember who you really are…..LOVE!
Send Payment for courses to:
Paypal: jodienewelltransform@gmail.com
Venmo: Jodie-Newell
Once payment is received, the course details will be emailed to you. Make sure to add me to your contacts, jodienewelltransform@gmail.com, so that my emails don’t end up in your spam folder.