700 Million Dead from the Shot by 2028? Dr. David Martin [VIDEO INTERVIEW]
DISCLAIMER: Nowadays we can’t find the truth. Everyone is spinning, lying, giving disinfo, you name it, so all I can do is give you info I have found that is interesting and it’s up to you to decide if you want to believe it or not. We must take in all kinds of info and be discerning about it because we don’t know what is true...we don’t want to throw out something that might be true even tho we thought it wasn’t. Just do your own research and be discerning.
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This is for BBC only, no news videos will go there.
THE BEDTIME BIBLE CHAT Music by Pat Moehring accomplished orchestra pianist, Executive Director for the Charlotte Civic Orchestra.
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Linda Kirby
PO Box 366
Shelbyville, TN 37162

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The Vaccine Watchman 1888
by Stokes, W. D
The Poisoned Needle 1957
by Eleanor McBean
Vaccination A Clear And Present Danger
by Eleanor McBean, Ida Honorof
Publication date1977
Serious reasons for uniformly objecting to the practice of vaccination: in answer to the report of the Jennerian Society
An appeal to the public, on the hazard and peril of vaccination, otherwise cow pox ... and other tracts
by Birch, John, 1745?-1815
Vaccination a curse. 1895
by Amerige, C. Wardell
Vaccination : its fallacies and evils
by Gunn, Robert A.(Robert Alexander),b. 1844
Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger's Evils of vaccination
by. Schieferdecker, Chr. Charles;
A Brief narrative of eight years' suffering caused by vaccination by Weston, Homer Bartlett
Publication date
Disease by law : an indictment of compulsory vaccination
Publication date
Vaccination : its uses and alleged dangers
by Parry, John S. (John Stubbs), 1843-1876; American Social Science Association. Philadelphia Branch
Publication date
A century of vaccination and what it teaches
by. Tebb, William Scott, -1917
Vaccination and lockjaw, the assassins of the blood. 1916
Chas Higgins
Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated, petition to the President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy 1920
Chas Higgins
An open letter to the Governor and members of the General Assembly of Connecticut : showing the evils of compulsory vaccination and certain deaths caused by the practice of cowpoxing
by. Boudren, Thomas,d. 1913
Yummy Doctor
Let’s Compare the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated
Former Pfizer VP Warns Booster Shot Is An Extermination Weapon To Mass Murder Human Beings
The Adam and Eve Story - Cia
Biden Laptop Emails

Thank you Ms. Linda. So glad you are feeling better. Love you. Maranatha ✝️

I know several who have had the jab, but no dire consequences yet. BUT my brother in law, married almost 40 years to my older sister decided to up and leave her in a he last few months after getting the 2 jabs. He recently bought an almost $100k truck, got veneers, uses oil of Olay and hangs out at bars 7 days a week, ignoring his daughter and grand children which he moved over from another state to be with, along with his dumping my sister. My niece and sister are devastated.

strange isn't it that robert malone who has the patent for the Mrna process not the covid vaccine but the process used told us all this in late 2020 but he was shot down by the rich and powerful pharm WHO etc and be false news scaremongering etc etc but you lot are listening to him now dig up his interview with Rogan