666 Mark Of The Beast Promoted World Wide Before Easter Sunday
Drew Hernandez and Owen discuss the symbolism surrounding the number 666 and the marketing of Lil Was X’s Nikes.

one 6 multiplier is missing
9/10 https://tbunews.com/the-day-be....fore-911-rumsfeld-sa
my 6 is missing to fix equation
2 twin towers too are missing
4 planes are missing
60*11=660 + 4 missing planes + 2 missing towers = 666
736 was too much needing to substract 66 to get 660 for then adding 6 missing unknowns
this is how gchq neurodiverse code works, 6 is dyslexic code meaning 9
2*7=14 or seven+ seven= ss
dalai lama 14 and ss
it confirms that 999 is mi6
like 666 is Mi2*3 or half MI12
lil nazi x is in buckingham

666 means nero
it could also mean mi6
666 common multiplier is 11
6+6+6=18 , 1+8=9