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600 Tofana-Wives In Italy Became Black Widows

JamesRoss - 155 Views
Published on 13 Nov 2024 / In How-to and Style

It was Italy's genocide of 600, unwanted, wealthy husbands.
Was it Guilia who murdered? No... the murderers were the 600 wives, yet they are mostly accusing Tofana to be the mass-murderer... She was the wicked instigator and assistant to multiple murders.

Today, there is a magnetic nano-particles that is not poison until a magnetic beam is directed at the targeted individual.(This is world-wide, today, while "Aqua Tofana" was used upon Italian husbands. You can see, women in the covenant still chuckle at the idea of it. Today, the Freemasons poison targets as much as Eastern-Star women-assassins use their poisons.

A Catholic priest would supply Guilian Tofana with the poisons... (Upper Catholics worship the "light bearer," Lucifer) Even a group of wicked Catholic nuns participated in assisting Wives to Murder after Guilia Tofana went into hiding.
(The wicked would never confess without the inquisitor's torture, of course.) But the inquisitor was likely a Mystery-Schooler as well.


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