#60, Ron DeSantis On Vaccine Passports, 'Give Me A Break', Executive Action Against It. John Durham On His Own Time. 45 Office.Com, TRUMP Social Platform!
Thank you for your support to PayPal.me/RedpillKen or K. Lane PO Box 24851 Columbia SC 29224. For GOD & Country We FIGHT. https://conservativebrief.com/....durham-taking-37231/ https://conservativebrief.com/....biden-threatens-3720 https://qagg.news/?q=Evergreen https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/03/just-supr https://www.thegatewaypundit.c....om/2021/03/mark-mead https://gab.com/links/8583501

Good evening Ken, Good evening fellow patriots.

Adam Schiff What Happened at The Standard Hotel https://ugetube.com/watch/adam....-schiff-what-happene some Anon stole it and put in on here before my page was taken down and I lost this one because it was made on my phone. It was my #1 video and I thought I lost it but NO...SOMEONE

Forced "vaccinations" ARE ILLEGAL ACCORDING TO THE GENEVA CONVENTION the MRNA "vaccine" is completely illegal to administer TO ANYONE AT ALL it specifically states in the Geneva Convention that addressed the atrocities of WW2 that "medical experimentation, forced or through deception is categorized as a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and as we know, the "vaccine" is still in its experimental phase, never tested successfully on animals.